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RBA Policy and Compliance Statement



RBA Policy and Compliance Statement

本公司及全体管理层认识到遵守国际劳工标准和维护劳工权益是一个负责任的公司所具备的基本条件 ,也是消费者、客户、公众和政府等相关方的期望 。为达成目标 ,海博官网声明推行以下 RBA政策 :

The company and all management recognize that compliance with international Labour standards and protection of Labour rights are essential requirements of a responsible company and expectations of consumers, customers, the public and governments. To achieve this, we declare the following RBA policies.

§  遵守法律法规要求 Comply with laws and regulations

 海博官网承诺将遵守当地有关劳工及其它相关法规要求、遵守 RBA标准 ,并在建立 实施和维持中持续改进 。

We are committed to complying with local laws and other relevant regulatory requirements on labor, complying with RBA standards, and making continuous improvements during the establishment, implementation and maintenance.

§  童工 、未成年工及女职工保护 Protection for child, underage and female workers

    禁止使用童工,按照法律法规要求对未成年工及女职工实施保护 。

Child labor is prohibited in any stage of manufacturing. To protect underage workers and female workers in accordance with laws and regulations.

§  人道的待遇 Humane Treatment

不得对员工实施残酷和不人道的待遇 ,包括暴力、性暴力、性骚扰、性侵犯、体罚、心理或生理压逼、欺凌、公开羞辱或口头辱骂;尊重员工自由,禁止使用监狱工 。

There is to be no harsh or inhumane treatment including violence, gender-based violence, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, bullying, public shaming, or verbal abuse of workers; Respect employee freedom and prohibit the use of prisoner.

§   反歧视 Non-Discrimination

在雇用、晋升及福利报酬等问题上员工均有平等的机会 ,禁止任何形式的歧视行为 。

Employees shall have equal opportunities in employment, promotion, welfare and remuneration, and any form of discrimination shall be prohibited. 

§  结社自由  Freedom of Association


To respect the right of all workers to form and join trade unions of their own choosing, to bargain collectively, and to engage in peaceful assembly.

§  工作时间  Working Hours

    员工加班坚持自愿为原则 , 合理安排生产计划 。

    All overtime must be voluntary. Arrange production schedule reasonably.

§  资报酬与福利 Wages and Benefits

   员工薪资应符合所有适用的薪资相关法律法规 ,如最低工资、加班工资及法定应有的福利,透过薪资条将工资支付的讯息传达给员工,不允许惩罚性工资扣除行为 。

 Compensation paid to workers shall comply with all applicable wage laws, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits. For each pay period, workers shall be provided with a timely and understandable wage statement that includes sufficient information to verify accurate compensation for work performed. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted.

§  健康与安全 Health and Safety

   提供安全卫生的工作条件、生活条件和社会福利设施 ,确保员工的身体健康和安全 。

   Provide safe and healthy working conditions, living conditions and social welfare facilities to ensure the physical health and safety for employees. 

§  环境保护 Environment 

   遵守当地法律法规及环境保护法律 ,在生产活动中尽可能减少对环境健康安全的影响

   Comply with local laws and regulations and environmental protection laws, minimize the impact on environmental health and safety during production activities. 

§  道德 Ethics


   To fulfill our social responsibilities and adhere the highest ethical standards, including business integrity, no improper advantage, transparently disclosure of information, respect for intellectual property rights, and fair competition.
